Learn from tomorrow, live for today.

Keynote speaker / Author / Futurist / Trendwatcher

Tom Palmaerts travels the world with one goal in mind: giving people an appetite for the future.

Join for trend updates

Join for trend updates

Every third Friday of the month I give a one-hour video trend talk. The topics are very diverse, and each based on my studies of the past month. Trend insights into mobility, living, travel, work, technology, fashion, entrepreneurship, ... (only in Dutch)

About Tom.

Tom Palmaerts is a trendwatcher, thought leader on consumers behavior and attitudes in a changing world. He is an awarded keynote speaker, trend consultant, author, and managing partner at Trendwolves, a full-service trendwatching agency with a focus on young consumers and modern families.

Keynote speeches


Future mindset

Are you ready for the future? Are you hesitating what you’d answer? That’s ok. Life goes so fast, that thinking about the future can be quite bedazzling. But how do we become future-proof? Based on his book ‘Ready or not’, Tom gives you concrete ideas and actions to kickstart your future mindset.


Changes 2030 - 35

We can’t predict the future, but by framing cultural thrills and innovations we can imaging future possibilities. In this lecture we jump 10 years ahead to understand the biggest societal changes. Future thinking is only interesting when you can start working on it today. 


On request

With a strong focus on innovation, creativity, lifestyle and entrepreneurship, stories can be adapted to the specific needs of your event and audience. Tom can also be the host of your event, participate in a panel discussion or present during a webinar. We can also help you host your webinar.


“An accelerated trip in our today’s future.”

— Eric Geuens (MAPFRE RE MADRID)

Other services



Do you need advise on the future vision of your company, how to present your visions, discussing strategies, innovations, … I love helping you.



Future stories are only interesting if you can start working on it today. It’s better to take time, if you are looking for help to go from inspiration to tangible actions.



If you search for market and consumer insights focused on your business. By helping companies across the world and across disciplines, we are able to speed up the process.


“Tom is effervescent, high-spirited and above all FRESH. His work is greatly inspirational.”

— Judith van Vliet (Clariant Milan)



Ready or not (Dutch)

Hoe worden we futureproof? In Ready or not reikt hij tools aan en zet hij je op weg met 11 krachtige en inspirerende tips. Neem dit boekje overal mee naartoe of leg het in de kleinste kamer. Je vindt er een levenspartner in, een steun en toeverlaat, of de nodige schop onder je kont.

Lannoo (2019)


Futures (Dutch)

Herman Konings, Joeri Van den Bergh en Tom Palmaerts bundelen hun inzichten in één verzamelbundel. Vol trends waar we toekomsten kunnen op bouwen. Tom Palmaerts gaat op zoek naar onvermoede trillingen, ideeën die nog niet helemaal duidelijk zijn, maar die de potentie hebben om bestaande systemen te veranderen.

Lannoo (2015)


(+32) 476956248

Hilarius Bertolfstraat 69
9050 Gent, Belgium